An alliance between OCTO Telematics and The European House – Ambrosetti in order to define an “Italian way” towards connected mobility
The main players in the sector, which by 2025 could be worth around $ 1 trillion globally, will be involved in the Connected Mobility Forum scheduled for September 2021

Milan, 03 February 2021 – The main challenges concerning the future of connected mobility in Italy and in the world, the revolution linked to digitisation and the Internet of Things which will change the way of getting around and using the car, the new services and business opportunities related to connected vehicles, the link between data collection, use and management and mobility. These are just a few of the topics at the basis of the strategic alliance between OCTO Telematics, a key Italian player in the Smart Mobility sector and a world leader in telematics services and advanced data analytics solutions for the insurance sector and The European House – Ambrosetti, a professional group specialised in supporting companies in defining value generation processes.
The partnership will focus on defining, through theme-based round tables and a Scientific Committee composed of Franco Fenoglio (former Chief Executive Officer of Italscania; former President of the Industrial Vehicles Section of UNRAE) and Giuseppe Roberto Opilio (Regional Expert Italy, Greece, Malta & Cyprus, Connecting Europe Broadband Fund; former COO and CTO of TIM), an actual Italian strategy on connected mobility, starting from a specific focus that will be presented as part of a forum scheduled for Friday 17 September. The event will involve all the key stakeholders of the sector, to discuss – with the contribution of national and international speakers – the topics and priorities to be addressed for the competitiveness and success of Smart Mobility in Italy, an area devoted to have an increasing impact on daily life.
During this gathering, which will host various industry experts, diverse topics will be addressed, such as:
– Ownership, management and use of the vehicles;
– Customer & journey experience;
– Relationship with infrastructures and urban systems
The field of connected mobility is a highly topical area for which the ministries for technological innovation and digitisation and of infrastructure and transport signed a memorandum of understanding in 2020 for the development of innovative mobility through research and experimentation of self-driving and connected vehicles. This attention can be explained by the large numbers generated by the sector: in 2019 the global value telematics services related to mobility amounted to 3.1 billion dollars and it is estimated that it could reach 9.8 billion by 2025. The entirety of services related to connected vehicles amounted to 400 billion dollars in 2018 and it is estimated that by 2025 it could reach one trillion dollars.
The issue of Smart Mobility is also closely linked to the spread of new generation vehicles: between 2019 and 2030 the number of self-driving vehicles (level 3 or higher) sold annually in the world will increase from just over 50,000 to more than 18 million, thus revolutionising the concept of mobility and the use function of the car itself. The topics of the alliance between OCTO and The European House – Ambrosetti also include identifying the priorities of action for the key players in the sector, especially those which concern the functional management and use of data to develop the ecosystem of connected mobility, an area of great interest in terms of business. Today, in fact, a vehicle generates approximately 25 GB of data per hour of use and over the next few years this value will grow to 3,600 GB of data generated per hour of use.An extremely important area in this sense is that of telematics services for the insurance sector, in which Italy represents the most important market in Europe, both in terms of penetration and in the number of units installed on board vehicles. It is estimated that in Italy there are almost 10 million policies based on telematics services, 24% of the total (2019 data) and the growth will continue over the coming years up to over 25 million units with a penetration rate of 55.3 % in 2024. Italy is also the second country in Europe for car sharing services, after Germany, with a market that should increase from 15 thousand vehicles with a turnover of 432 million dollars registered in 2020 to 44 thousand vehicles and 878 million dollars in 2025.
“Connected mobility represents a revolution destined to have a deep impact not only on the way we use cars or means of transport, but more generally on our lifestyle” – stated Nicola Veratelli, OCTO Group CEO -. “A strategy and a clear vision shared with all the public and private players of this ecosystem are therefore required in order to seize the many business opportunities. In this sense, the partnership with The European House – Ambrosetti, which has always been an international reference point for the evolution of economic-political and technological scenarios, and OCTO therefore aims to offer its contribution of study, raising awareness and of a concrete proposal both to leading companies in the sector and above all to the entire Italian economic and industrial system. Our ambition is to contribute to the creation of an “Italian way” of connected mobility that will also act as a trailblazer at a global level, given the presence of our Group abroad”.
“This initiative aims to position itself as the reference point for Italy on the topics of connected mobility also in light of the profound changes resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, in some ways seen as an accelerator of dynamics which were already underway. The European House – Ambrosetti, continually driven by a spirit of innovation and research towards cutting edge issues, wants to imagine the future of mobility from a connected and smart perspective in order to identify the priorities of action for industrial players and policy makers to create an Italian industrial vanguard. For this initiative, the partnership with OCTO is strategic, thanks to its recognised market leadership in technologies and services for the collection and analysis of data generated and shared by vehicles”. – declared Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner and CEO of The European House – Ambrosetti.
Source of data reported: The European House – Ambrosetti elaborations on Research And Markets (Global Autonomous Driving Industry Outlook, 2019), Deutsche Telekom AG and Berg Insight, 2021 data.
Fabiola Gnocchi
mob: +39 3497510840
Adriana Zambon
mob: +39 3393995640
Information about The European House – Ambrosetti
The European House – Ambrosetti is a professional Group, with 240 professionals, operating since 1965, which has grown significantly over the years, thanks also to the contributions of many of its Partners, developing numerous activities in Italy, Europe and the rest of the world.
Today the Group has three offices in Italy and many abroad, in addition to other partnerships around the world. What distinguishes it is its ability to provide support to companies in the integrated and synergic management of the four critical aspects of value-creating processes: Seeing, Planning, Achieving and Optimizing.
For over 50 years we have been working alongside Italian businesses and each year we provide consulting to about 1,000 clients, including more than two hundred strategic scenarios and studies aimed at Italian and European institutions and companies, and around one hundred and twenty governance pacts for family-run businesses. In addition, each year about 3,000 Italian and international experts are involved in the 500 events we organize for over 10,000 managers whom we follow in their personal and professional paths to growth.
The Group vaunts an invaluable international network of contacts on the highest level in the sectors in which it operates, including top-level decision-makers within multinational institutions and on an individual country level.
For the eighth consecutive year, The European House – Ambrosetti was named — in the category Best Private Think Tanks — the no. 1 think tank in Italy, the no. 4 think tank in the European Union and among the most respected independents in the world out of 11,175 on a global level in the latest “Global Go To Think Tanks Report” of the University of Pennsylvania. The European House – Ambrosetti was recognized by Top Employers Institute as one of the 112 Top Employers 2021 in Italy. For more information, visit the website and follow us on
Information about OCTO
Founded in 2002, OCTO is a leading provider of telematic services and advanced data analytics for the Insurance sector, and increasingly one of the leading companies offering solutions for Fleet Telematics and Smart Mobility. With OCTO’s unique propositions already established in the field of Insurtech and Smart Mobility, OCTO continues to expand in new sectors and international markets. In the context of an increasingly connected world, OCTO’s advanced analytics and its set of IoT Big Data, generates actionable analytics giving life to a new era of Smart Telematics. Today it has over 6 million connected users and the largest database of vehicle telematics data in the world, with over 280 billion miles of driving data collected and 480,000 claims and insurance events analysed. It also manages over 400,000 vehicle rentals per month.