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Omoove Among The Protagonists Of The ‘2018 States General Of The Green Economy’ Event

Rimini hosted the States General of the Green Economy two-day meeting, which, as in previous years, was held during the Ecomondo expo event on 6th and 7th November. Organised by the National Council of the Green Economy with the support of the Foundation for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and with the patronage of the Ministry of Economic Development and the European Commission, the event represented an opportunity for institutional bodies and entrepreneurial and civil organisations to discuss the topic of the green economy, which has now become a currently relevant and urgent path for the revival of the economy in Italy and in other states. Omoove has become a protagonist at this event, offering its own experience in one of the main sectors actively driving the ‘green’ economy and, that is, the transport sector, which nonetheless continues to be one of the principal areas contributing towards emissions of carbon monoxide, benzene and nitrogen oxide, besides having an important role in the emission of ultra-fine particulates and non-methane volatile organic compounds. The social and economic impact of the current transportation and mobility model, based on the use of privately-owned vehicles, is well known. Although the specific emissions of vehicles have decreased over time, the volume of privately-owned vehicles is constantly increasing and today, in the main urban areas of the country, an excessively high percentage of the population is still exposed to concentrations of pollutants above the established limits.

The Omoove Senior Sales Manager Gabriele Natoli explained to a large audience how each car-sharing vehicle replaces as many as 15 privately-owned vehicles. The Omoove car-sharing service provides over 10,000 cars,  demonstrating how our technology is able to make a significant contribution in the struggle against congestion and pollution in cities around the entire world.

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