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Octo awarded for revolutionising insurance services and systems with telematics

Octo Telematics has received a “Le Fonti” Award for excellence and innovation in the telematics insurance services for “having revolutionized the business model of the insurance sector by providing telematics services and systems in an innovative manner. In particular, the technological excellence of the GPS data management system that allows insurers to provide custom-tailored policies and dedicated assistance.”

Vincent Bonnet, Octo Group VP Sales, accepted the award on behalf of Octo Telematics yesterday at a ceremony held at the Palazzo Mezzanotte, the Milan Stock Exchange Building.

“Le Fonti” Awards, which are currently in their sixth edition, have become a traditional opportunity for enterprise leaders, major law firms and high finance to meet and network. The awards are part of the IAIR International Awards that are presented, every year, in Milan, New York, Hong Kong, Dubai, San Paolo, London and other global financial centres.

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