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Corporate Car Sharing:An Innovative Solution To Save The Cost

If you’re a company that needs to make your employees travel in a safe, efficient and sustainable way, you can choose an innovative technology solution.

The meaning of Corporate Car Sharing is simple and straightforward: placing a dedicated fleet of vehicles at company premises for the shared use among its employees.

Corporate Car Sharing allows the Companies to optimize their fleet management and significantly reduce fleet-related costs over the long term. It also allows to offer to their employees an attractive mobility solution. Thus, employees are always mobile even if they don’t have a company car, and they don’t have to use rental cars or public transportation for business trips. In this way your employees can save not only on costs but also on time.

If you’re a company that needs to make your employees travel in a safe, efficient and sustainable way, you can choose an innovative technology solution.

Benefits are both for the company and for employees by generating real savings and by giving each participant the freedom to choose a car that suits its general and specific mobility needs.

From the company standpoint, a Corporate Car Sharing Solution can:

> Reduce the Total Cost of Mobility and the use of extra-fleet vehicles (taxi, car rental…) so that all vehicles are always deployed with maximum rotation;

> Optimize the use of the company parking;

> Save in time and resources with Advanced Vehicle Management with customizable rules, detailed analytic information, easy reporting and costs center allocation;

> Generate new income by assigning cars to employees while off-work or share them with other parties (car hirers, other…);

> Represent, sponsor and support the technologies company solutions to promote innovation, not only to the clients but also towards the employees to build brand belonging and Corporate Social Responsibility awareness;

> Increase Corporate Social Responsibility for a sustainable shared travel to decrease car renting burdens, reduce carbon footprint, increase talent recruitment and retention rates.

For the benefit of employees, a Corporate Car sharing Solution will: > Generate time saving while maximizing efficiency;
> Have an additional chance of use for personal purposes.

At a corporate level, the company can have the freedom to share its vehicles to employees for professional or private use as well.

The employees can book the car for professional use when they have client visits or are visiting the office from another location or they can book the car for personal use during the weekends or outside working hours for leisure activities. Furthermore, employees can choose to share their own vehicle to other colleagues, either for professional use or even for private use.

Corporate Car Sharing is introducing a whole new kind of business mobility and many companies over the world have already chosen to adopt this solution to save the cost for their employees’ car and taxi work travel.

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